Should you be thinking that this is the right time to give some thing unique for your self including acquire some thing wonderful for your self or bring some thing wonderful into your property, normally you'll usually go for some thing that really very good and affordable. However it should be a beneficial item for the main reason. And it really should be much better if the item come from a reliable brand which is well-known everywhere. Toto is giving you and every person the best answer with TOTO MS854114S-01 Ultramax Elongated One Piece Toilet, Cotton White. Our newest item which will full fill your require and it truly is launching now.
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There is only our buyers that could understand clearly that how very good of this contemporary product apparatus. the best technologies and newest condition that our specialist used to operate this clever item will make TOTO MS854114S-01 Ultramax Elongated One Piece Toilet, Cotton White excellent for you and your property more than any other comparable products in the market. And you'll be understood that why there are numerous buyers incredibly content with this item after they became one from the owners.
Furthermore, using the most reasonable price for this outstanding product will make TOTO MS854114S-01 Ultramax Elongated One Piece Toilet, Cotton White be one from the most common items on the international web marketing. And in the end of everyday you come home you'll in no way really feel like the same as just before.
ADA Compliance:Not ADA Compliant, Color:Cotton The Ultramax One Piece Toilet features: ADA Compliant Option Sleek, high-profile design Includes SoftClose Seat Compatible with Washlet seats G-Max: Quiet, powerful, commercial grade flushing performance. Available with SanaGloss, an iron barrier glazing that cleans with every flush. Fast Flush: Wide 3' flush valve is 125% larger than conventional valves. 12' rough-in Chrome-plated trip lever Five year limited warranty
- Sleek, high-profile, one-piece toilet
- Quiet, powerful, commercial-grade flushing
- Wide 3-Inch fast flush valve
- Computer-designed, fully-glazed trapway
- Bowl Rim Height 14-5/8-inch
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